Dan's Book Reveals: How to 
Become a Leader Worth Following
Learn how to lead by influence from one of the most influential business coaches of our time.
Learn how to lead by influence from one of the most influential business coaches of our time.
Dan Clark has helped accelerate the growth of thousands of companies, turning around losing organizations and even transforming a last place NFL team into Superbowl champions. Learn to become a Significant Leader by getting your copy of Dan's Book for only $7.77 by entering your name and email below.
"Dan Clark is the Master Motivator - he's funny, he's inspirational, he's everything, and he's changing the world one story at a time!"
Larry King, CNN
TV and Radio Host
"Every time we've shared the stage, it is his devotion to service & unwavering belief in the value of putting others before ourselves."
Simon Sinek
TED Speaker, Best-selling author
"Dan is the world's greatest storyteller. His delivery is unrivaled. His character is unimpeachable. Dan should be your first call."
Devin Thorpe
Author, Educator, Speaker
What Do You Mean, "Significant Leadership?"
In today’s world, being a successful ‘Transactional Leader’ using knowledge, command and control is obsolete. You must become a ‘Significant Transformational Leader' using wisdom, example, and inspiration to create Influential Impact based on three truths:
  • The purpose of a leader is to grow more leaders who believe what you believe – not generate more followers.
  •  Every culture is created between the strongest belief, highest expectation, and best behavior that the leader lives by – and the weakest belief, lowest expectation, and worst behavior that the leader tolerates.
  • ​When you get everybody in the organization to embrace these two realities, you create a culture of ‘Significant Partner Leaders’ where winning is personal, accountability is king and trusted teammates lead with and without a title!
What's Inside the Book?
  • Learn the 3 Step A.R.T. of Significance process guaranteed to up-level your Awareness of current Beliefs, Expectations, Behaviors – Refine them into a Peak Performance Execution Plan – and Transform you into a better, more balanced, influential human being understanding that you don’t attract who you want – you attract who you are.
  • Master the Twelve Highest Universal Laws of Significance guaranteed to give you maximum control over your destiny so you Achieve The Level Beyond Success:
 Obedience, Perseverance, Stretching, Trust, Whole Truth, Winning,
          Doing Right, Harmony, Acceptance, Being Needed, Covenants, Forgiveness.
  • Learn the formula for turning Recruiting the best prospects into Attracting and Retaining the Right People.
  •  Discover the Seven Steps of Influence to get people to care about your organization as much as you do… and much more!
About Dan Clark
A Hall of Fame speaker, Dan has worked with most of the Fortune 500 companies, Super Bowl Champions, National Trade Associations, and Government Agencies. Since 1982, Dan has delivered 6000 speeches, in all 50 states and 73 countries

Author And Hall Of Famer Dan Clark On Significance (How To Get It And Why It Matters So Much)

Cheryl Snap Conner, Forbes "...significance is an outcome that matters to everyone. Whether it is intentional or accidental, a person’s significance is tied to the fundamental “why” that should define every entrepreneur’s participation in the press, as well as their life and existence. With this foundation in place, significance is a natural occurrence. Interestingly and even ironically for those who work with the press, when the truth of a person or company is evident, there is a much smaller need to seek coverage at all." READ MORE

12 Things People Do To Achieve A Level Beyond Traditional Success

CSC, Inc.com "Dan Clark believes that traditional success is meaningless in the face of the bigger achievement--significance--which he maintains is possible by using the 12 Highest Universal Laws of Life Changing Leadership he describes in his book. In all, you should make the Higher Laws your guiding foundation. Perhaps you can focus on one of the 12 every day as you move toward a life and career that surpasses your current goals for success." READ MORE

Dan Clark: Bringing His Message Home

Tom Haraldsen, Utah Business "He’s written and contributed to 37 books, been a New York Times best-selling author with his own book, and spoken to over five million people at 6,000 appearances. He’s given addresses in all 50 states, 73 countries and on six continents. He’s inspired U.S. servicemen on trips to Afghanistan and Iraq, written a country song for which he received a Gold Album, wrote a novel that was made into a movie starring Jack Lemmon, and rubbed shoulders with governmental leaders from across the globe. He’s even soared to the edge of the atmosphere in a U2 reconnaissance spy plane..." READ MORE
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